Saying Of The Month

Here's the saying of September's first week.

Don't mess up, or you'll get a lose-lose.

Example: Mom's dog kills the neighbor's chicken, mom wants to give them one of ours.
                           ^                                                                  ^
                            |                                                                   |
------------------1st Lose----------------------------------------2ed Lose---------------------------------
Dad says no, so he goes and buys a chicken for them. and it becomes their fav chicken WIN-WIN
                        ^                                                                   ^
                         |                                                                    |
----------------1st Win------------------------------------------2ed Win----------------------------------------

                                                  Dad: Ramin Sanaie
                                                  Mom: Shanann Brooks
                                                  Dog: Tinker Bell
                                                  Chicken: Snow Flake
                                                  Chicken 2: Fly High

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